J. Fawn Design began in November 2015, with a large stack of egg cartons that I didn't really mean to collect.  You know, in a subconscious, and space cadet sort of way.  After repeated trips to various Minneapolis food Co-ops, and forgetting nearly every time to bring egg cartons from home (so I could pack my eggs just right)- the collection grew, and grew, and grew.  Until one day, it was so damn large, I figured that I better find a way to re-purpose those suckers.  And so, I did.

These egg carton earrings are each uniquely handcrafted and painted, and as one can imagine, they are incredibly lightweight.  So light, that long-time-ear-pierced people can both appreciate and rejoice in wearing these earrings with pretty much zero droop of the lobe.  But don't fret, you lovely people, they are heavy enough to perfectly (and delightfully!) dangle.

Thank you so much for visiting.  Come back soon to check out my latest designs.

Peace & All that other good stuff,

Janna Fawn